Title: Social Media Critic Calls for Arrest of Singer Portable After Assault Incident
Martins Otse, widely known as VeryDarkMan, has urged authorities to arrest singer Portable following a disturbing incident captured in a viral video. The footage shows the controversial street-pop artist and his associates attacking a man in a restroom during the recent Felabration event in Lagos.
In a passionate response shared via Instagram, VeryDarkMan expressed his outrage: “Look at what Portable did to this defenseless individual. Is this just? Why treat someone in such a brutal manner? This is unacceptable.”
He invited the victim to reach out for support, emphasizing the need for justice. After speaking with the injured man, VeryDarkMan provided an update, revealing that the victim is currently hospitalized due to severe injuries sustained during the assault.
“The man you assaulted is badly hurt and has been admitted with injuries that include a broken arm and leg,” he reported. “His medical bills have surpassed N700,000. He’s expressed fears for his safety.”
VeryDarkMan vowed to take action, stating, “I will file a petition regarding this matter. If the law means anything in this country, then accountability must follow. No one, celebrity or not, is above the law.”
What's the purpose of being a celebrity if you are not celebrated?
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