6 Healthy Benefits of Eating Carrots


Cofounder of Apple ,Steve Jobs once said he ate so many carrots that his skin turned orange! ( Probably one of the reasons for his sharp mind ) 😁

But on a  serious note, research and studies revealed that carrots play an important role in improving and retaining Brain health. 

Carrots contain lutein, an antioxidant and anti-inflamtory substance which protects the retina from molecular dysfunction, in other words carrots Enhances good and clear vision. Not so many know this!

And so without further ado, let's get right into 6 healthy benefits of eating carrots.

So when next you think of carrots in lighter terms like, just for your salad dressings alone or just some crunchy munchy veggies, do have a rethink cos carrot is packed with lots of healthy benefits you probably didn't know about.

1. Carrots Promote Clear Sight

I bet so many didn't realize that carrots promotes clear sight! 

Carrots contains vitamin A, and Vitamin A has long been known to be a booster of clear eyesight. A half-cup of carrots can give you up to 73% of your body daily requirement of vitamin A. 

Vitamin A contained in carrots, is produced from 2 substance contained in carrots ( alpha-carotene and beta-carotene ). That's not all, carrots also contains antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin both which also Enhances good eyesight and many more nutrients which time might not allow expantiating on.

 All of this nutrients, in carrots can be easily accessible as easy and cheaply as you can purchase carrots compared to if you where trying to get them separately.

So for those deficient or low on vitamin A, carrots is your natural go to source to get your A game back on!

Note: According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, a deficiency in vitamin A can lead to night blindness.

2. Balances Your Blood Sugar

Many all over the world dread the word diabetes.

This is when a person has excessive sugar in their bloodstream and the body's inability to produce insulin. Now despite carrots being sugary in taste, carrots are high in fiber, and this helps to manage blood glucose levels and reverse insulin resistance. Furthermore, a review published by the Food and Nutrition Science in 2014 citeed that carotenoids might help in the management of blood sugar and insulins.

3. They Aid  Weightloss Management

I bet some percentage of people do not know that carrots can aid in weightloss. In case you are wondering how ? Carrots are naturally low in calories and full of nutrients that can aid in weight loss. This is great especially for those planing to go all natural with their weightloss goal plus it is economical too. Carrots also contain lots of water about 80 percentage of Carrots is water.

4 . Prevents Risk Of Cancer

Carrot is packed with various Cancer preventing Antioxidants.

for example, beta-carotene found in Carrots has been known to lower the rate of various cancers.

5. Carrots Also Help In Regulating High Blood Pressure.

Carrots contain potassium which is also widely known to lower blood pressure rate by remove excess sodium from the body. And not just that alone, but it also prevents heart disease.

6. Carrots Boost The Immune System

Carrots also help in boosting the immune System. 

Carrot contains vitamin A and C, two important vitamins that help in boosting the immune system, which in turn shuts out infections; you don't want to take this orange fellas for granted. 🥕

Isn't it supprising that Carrots are harvested at the time of year when people are mostly succestible to the change in climate ?

The creator is indeed awesome.

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