The goal isnt to " look rich " but to be rich!
It may surprise you to know that majority of the people who achieved Millionaire status from the ground up, weren't all keen about the latest Gucci shoes or designer labels from the beginning.
No doubt they envisioned the Good life, and all, but they were more focused on the resources, time management, goal setting and concentrated energy required to take them there/make it happen.
Attaining Millionaire status isn't an impossible monstrous feat, but certain habits and lifestyle if not checked overtime, sadly might keep you perpetually in the " have not " bracket for life even when all you want - is to be Rich.
If you want to be Rich, then you must be willing to substitute/replace certain limiting habits and beliefs you have about wealth with the right ones.
There are more than a score tips and rules to becoming Rich on the internet, but today we shall be dealing with the 12 most exploited ones; i like to call to them the foundationals/basics to becoming Rich.
Majority of the Rich around the world, achieved their Millionaire or Billionaire status by simply and consistently employing among several other steps, this 12 steps.
And trust me, if they could, you too can.
Here they are:
12 Things You Need To Do If You Want To Be Rich.
First you must have a clear vision of where you want to be in the nearest future and a written plan of the necessary requirements needed to get you there.
The Rich do not simply expect to make more money, they design a plan and then they work towards it.
Even the Bible states; he who is to build a house must first of all sit down and write out the cost.
Even the bible states; that money is a defense. See every dollar as your emloyee or better still your soldier who would some day work hard towards your financial stability and freedom. You don't just throw your soldiers away now do you ?
Do you know that majority of Rich retirees began saving and contributing to their next egg in their 20s and 30s ?
The key here is starting early.
Well you might ask how soon is early ?
Short answer - now !
The earlier you start, the sooner you would arive at your place of financial freedom.
Researches have revealed that the wealthiest retirees where the ones who stayed with one employer for a longer number of years.
Now am not talking about working mindlessly on a job for years until one day when you get relieved either justly or unjustly, am talking about staying on job for as long as possible while you build up other viable sources of revenue/income on the side.
Do you know that a good number of wealthy retirees, worked at some cooperation for 30 to 40 years before finally establishing theirs ?
Staying with the same job for a long time has it's benefits. Apart from a stable and gauranteed income, most cooperations offer big rewards, including a very nice ending salary, significant pension benefits, etc, the key here is being with the right cooperation.
This same rules here also applies to those who are self employed with a skill set or even handymen.
There is a saying; if you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together.
You do not have to always do-it-yourself. Recognize your areas of strength, and learn how to ask question and outsource to those more knowledgeable than you are in your areas of weakness.
The Rich know this trick, and they employ it whenever the need arises. They focus on their areas of strengths while leaving the rest to their dedicated team of experts.
Wealth is amassed when your income and savings exceeds your expenses.
Keep a lower interest on your purchases such as; mortages and car loans, low priced apartments, etc. This is only a means to an end.
Remember, the goal is to be Rich and not to look Rich.
If you want to be rich, you must own multiple streams of income. This is a major secret of the Rich. They own a couple of investments at least the minimum of 3 sources of cashflow.
Most of these income come from a combination of sources such as; Investments income, pension, part-time work, rental income, and other governmental benefits. You can get creative with this, we hope you get the idea ?
Who says the rich don't stay active ? If you think being rich is all about luxury trips, vacations and champagne wishes, think again.
Even though achieving the Millionaire status might some how give you a sense of freedom, freedom to smell the roses, freedom to maybe indulge a little, think of how much money you burn just to amuse yourselves.
There is a saying; " there is enough room for everyone at the top, but not enough seats ". The Rich simply stay busy.
When you finally become financially free, your side work, mustn't be a hustle. Simply do something you enjoy/love, it might even bring in extra money for you while you give back to humanity.
If you someday wish to be Rich, then you must be cautious About your Spending.
Learn to know the value of everything and cut back on every form of impulse buying of things that usually do not add value in the long run.
The Rich ask the right questions from service providers and vendors first before handing out their cash. If being cautious with their spending got them there, it can also keep them there.
As oppose to what we see in the movies of the display of extravagance by the Rich, reality speaks differently. The Rich believe; if it is no longer useful, why continue paying for it ?
They always expect value for every of their expenditure and do not hesitate to cut back if it no longer makes sense.
The Rich know this - the poor do not.
The poor think money will finally get them everything, the Rich eventually realize that some things can't be bought with money.
This wisdom can only be gifted to the wise.
For every income they earn, the Rich pay themselves first. They understand the value of setting money aside for themselves first before every other expenses.
This is one rule of financial discipline, and if you someday hope to attain the Millionaire status, then you must learn to adopt this discipline.
Learn to be patient, Rome wasn't built in a day.
A five year survey was once conducted at the university of Chicago for the top 20 performers in various fields including music, athletics, acting, business and medicine; the families of the celebrated high flyers in these areas where also interviewed to know how they did it, what they discovered was that persistence and determination and not talent led to their success. - can imagine that ?
Becoming Rich isn't an unachievable monstrous feat, it is quite achievable if only you can put your mind to it and stick to the set of the rules stated here for you.
And if you have taken the necessary steps listed above to becoming Rich, all you can do is wait/be patient while the fruits of your efforts ripen and trust me, you won't be sorry
And as a reminder; there are no elevators to success, you simply have to take the stairs.
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