Do you ever worry about not being smart enough ? Or are you always striving to better yourself ? Or broaden your general knowledge and IQ ?
That could be a great start you know, as it turns out you might just be a genius after all.
Below are 17 signs which reveal that you are actually a genius without even knowing it !
1. Do you always talk to yourself ?
Good news! You are not crazy, you might be a genius!
Do you know that highly intelligent people are mostly self motivated ? A feat they perform either verbally or non verbally
According to psycologists, the brain functions better when you self talk. For example: Verbal clues could be helpfull when searching for lost items and objects.
2. You can't stand noise.
Does your neighbors stomping around and yellings drive you nuts ? Well that's because you're busy with that big brain of yours! - go genius
3. You are unemployed but not rattled.
Now this doesn't mean you are deliquescent, it simply means you are confident enough to know that you can get things done at your own time and pace.
4. Do you sometimes forget or misplace items ?
This could be signs of a hyper brain. You always have ideas battling against one another in your head which makes it sometimes hard for you to remember things or concentrate.
5. Are you the first born of your parents ?
Congrats, you're a genius: at least more of a genius than your younger siblings.
6. You enjoy solitude.
Creativity Works when you're relaxed, this is when you turn your attention inward and maybe hear the voice that's always been there, which you haven't taken time to listen to.
7. You are sarcastic.
Genius alert ! Do you always have an unusual creative or witty way of answering questions ?. Always turn words around on their heads ? - hey you there genius, you've been spotted !
8. You are not so bothered about fashion - at least for the moment. You've got more important issues to focus on!
9. You're thin
A 2006 intelligence test study by scientists revealed that the bigger one's waistline is, the lower their cognitive ability. Another study that same year showed that 11-year-olds who scored lower on verbal and nonverbal tests were more likely to be obese in their 40s. The study authors also say that their smarter kids counterparts might have pursued better educational opportunities, landed higher-status and higher-paying jobs, and therefore ended up in a better position to take care of their health than their less intelligent peers.
10. You own a cat or you are a cat lover.
11. You've used recreational drugs.
According to research, drug use could indicate a high level of intelligence. In a 2012 study a link was discovered between high IQ in childhood and the use of illegal drugs in adulthood.
12. You're left-handed/left-footed
Recent research have associated lefties with "divergent thinking," a form of creativity that enables you to come up with novel ideas almost instataneously. Simply put: the cognitive ability to combine 2 objects to form a third; for example, the ability to combine a stick and tin can to make a bird house or the ability combine one or more words to form another: one perfect example of people with this ability are creative writers.
13. You drink alcohol regularly
A recent psychological findings showed that Brits as well as American adults who had scored higher on IQ tests when they were kids or teens drank more alcohol more often in adulthood than those who had scored low
14. You worry a lot
Do you always try to control or play out every scenario of your life in your head ? A growing body of researchers have suggested that anxious individuals could be smarter than their less worried counterparts. But you might want to take it easy on this one..
15. You're funny
You know you are funny, because you also crack yourself up too sometimes
16. You're curious
Well am yet to see a genius who isn't naturally curious.
17. You're a night owl
And lastly, do your brain power come alive at night ? Do you always carry your work, studies and researches late into the night ? Well you my freind have got the markings of a true genius. Recent studies have also attested to this fact too: that intelligent individuals are more likely to stay up late than their less intelligent counterparts. This is one trait every genius posses.
So there you have it guys, the 17 signs of a genius. And if you happen to posses 3 or more of this traits, then you've got what it takes to become the next Albert Einstein of your world.