Signs That A Guy Is Too Immature For A Relationship.

Ladies just when you think you’ve found your perfect fit in guy - i mean he checks off all the boxes on the list of things you like in a guy’s personality and all But...

You start to notice that he don't know how to act sometimes. Or is he a bit immature as far as relationships go ? Or, pffs...something is just off.

You see, lack of maturity in a possibly future partner is a sure pitfall that needs to be avoided all together rather than endured in a relationship. And finding out early enough that a guy is way too immature for you, is the one sure way you could save yourself a lot of wasted time and hurt feelings in the future. So if you're thinking,  maybe a guy you’re into isn't so much on your level or maybe you're not so sure, you could check out these 6 signs below that tell if a guy is too immature for a relationship to see if he falls into any of the categories - sorry.

1. He never makes any effort to spend time with you.
Does your object of affection always expect to see you but never makes any effort to do the same ? If he expects you to always be on his time but never goes out of his way to plan a date with you, he probably ain't ready for a real relationship.

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2. His conversation is mostly shallow.
You see, a mature guy  isn't afraid to explore topics or discuss ideas in their depths, but an immature guy is either unwilling or incapable of striking up any level of invigorating dialogue or discussion with you. He is only interested in surface level interaction with you, and his conversations with you is bound to reveal it.

3. He doesnt have any definite goal or dream
Whenever you raise the topic about his hopes and dreams, does he stares up at the sky with a half - silly smile while giving you some vague answers ?

A guy with ambition  knows what he wants and is ready to work for it. If what he wants is a relationship, he will definetly go after it and achieve it, just like the rest of his goals and aspirations in life. An immature guy on the other hand, will lack a definite direction in life in general, and more also in dating life as well.

4. He won’t commit or define the relationship.
Immature guys love relationships without titles. This being on the premise that it gives him the freedom for any type of behavior he wishes to display on a whim. To him, defining a relationship would mean living up to certain standards and responsibilities. And not this guy!

5. He can’t seem to hold down a job  for long.
A mature guy will have his finances in order and is willing to put in the work, to keep it that way. But this can be the reversal for an immature guy, who is rather unstable in most aspects of life. Truth is, If he can’t hold down his job responsibilities, he sure won't be able to hold out the helms of your relationship.

6. He cannot or finds it hard to express his feelings.
Being able to express your feelings articulately in a relationship is very important and highly essential for a healthy relationship. Although most guys are more of the “strong and calm” type, but on a whole, expressing ones feelings in a relationship shouldn't be difficult for a mature guy. This may not require much words, but he will be able to express his feelings strongly. But an immature guy on the other hand will not know what he feels, or he might just be largely biased to tapping into his emotional side at all. If his super immature, he might even get annoyed when you ask him to express himself.....sorry deary, he just don't know how to act!